The entrance loggia
Earlier Houses: The current 18th century house was probably built using material from an earlier house on the site.
Built / Designed For: Kynnersley family
House & Family History: Splendidly set looking out over the broad meanders of the River Severn as it winds its way through parkland to Ironbridge, the two-storied, red brick Leighton Hall (with ashlar dressings and rusticated angle quoins) was built in 1778 for the Kynnersley family. The house had previously been the seat of the eponymous Leighton family, whose tombs are still to be seen in the Church of St. Mary that sits in the house's grounds and from whom the place passed to the Kynnersleys. Leighton's portico and other internal alterations were undertaken by the Shrewsbury architect Arthur Lloyd-Oswell for T.F. Kynnersley in 1887-88, as a part of a Victorian rethinking of the property, which, grouped with its cupola'd stables and nearby home farm, is in many ways the beau ideal of the English manor house. (We are most grateful to Gareth Williams for this history of Leighton Hall.)
Architect: Arthur Edward Lloyd-Oswell
Date: 1887-88Architect: W. Bowdler (Bowdler of Shrewbury)
Date: 1887-88House Listed: Grade II
Park Listed: Not Listed
Current Seat / Home of: Malcolm and Camilla Corrie
Past Seat / Home of: SEATED AT EARLIER HOUSE: Leighton family, 17th century? SEATED AT CURRENT HOUSE: Kynnersley family, 18th century.
Current Ownership Type: Individual / Family Trust
Primary Current Ownership Use: Private Home
Ownership Details: House is available only for wedding receptions.
House Open to Public: By Appointment
Phone: 01952-510-989
Fax: 01952-510-011
Historic Houses Member: No