The house from an 1864 lithograph
Earlier Houses: There was a Medieval house on the site that was demolished when the 19th century house was built.
Built / Designed For: William Lockhart
House & Family History: Sir Walter Scott, a friend of William Lockhart's, visited the Milton Lockhart Estate in 1829 and wrote of his time there: "We went to Milton on as fine a day as could consist with snow on the ground. The situation is eminently beautiful; a fine promontory round which the Clyde makes a magnificent bend. We fixed on a situation where the sitting room should command the upper view, and, with an ornamental garden, I think it may be made the prettiest place in Scotland." (Scott, 1890, pg. 405)
House Replaced By: A new house was built in the late 20th century on the site of the 19th century house.
House Listed: Demolished
Park Listed: Not Listed
Past Seat / Home of: William Lockhart, 19th century.
Current Ownership Type: Other
Primary Current Ownership Use: Unknown
House Open to Public: No
Historic Houses Member: No