DiCamillo Companion

Norbiton Hall

  • House & Family History: Charles Nicholas Pallmer (1772-1848) owned Norbiton Hall and the nearby Norbiton Place, the latter of which was his primary residence. Pallmer was an MP and a notorious supporter of slavery. He owned a Jamaica sugar plantation worked by hundreds of slaves and, not surprisingly, vigorously supported the cause of West Indies planters and strongly resisted William Wilberforce's efforts in the British Parliament to end slavery.

  • House Listed: Demolished

    Park Listed: Destroyed

  • Past Seat / Home of: Richard Taverner, 1547-75. Sir Anthony Benn, 1605-18. Charles Nicholas Pallmer (Palmer), until 1829. Mary Jenkinson, Countess of Liverpool, 1829-46.

    Current Ownership Type: Demolished

    Primary Current Ownership Use: Demolished

  • House Open to Public: No

    Historic Houses Member: No


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